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 Harm creates space for the healing we need. Why is it that some of the most inspiring people we meet have faced the most adversity? Something beautiful is created when we are cornered by life and pushed to a place where survival matters more than protecting who you think you are. Harm could be described as anything which encourages you to let go of the identity you’ve learnt to squeeze yourself in to. It is anything that makes the true you more important than your attachments. You’ve got to get all that you think you know about yourself out of the way to remember who you really are. To heal we need to face our true selves, not waste energy healing a version of ourselves we have become dependent on. Harm will frighten the “who you think you are” out of you, it will ask you what is left after the fences you have built in your own head are torn down. It will remove the safety of the self imposed limits we drag through our lives and dump you back in a pile at the bottom of yourself. Once you have remembered who you are the healing can begin. But don’t mix the message. You can’t sidestep life. Don’t look for it. Stay in your journey. The harm will come… but the healing will come too.