
Indigenous hArts

Indigenous hArts is

A portal created to connect with and support the hearts and lives of indigenous crafts men and women worldwide


The intention here is to open lines of prosperity to the less abundant parts of the world. In the hope that this will facilitate and support indigenous tribes and local artisans in their efforts to revive their cultural artistry and sustain their local economies

Below are some of the crafters we’ve created lines with

The Apurina Tribe

The Apurina tribe consists of approximately 2000 - 4000 members that are distributed over 27 indigenous territories in the Brazilian Amazon around the Purus River. The Apurina tribe are well known for their crafts produced solely using plant materials 

Chiapas, Mexico

Mexico has been home to many of histories most powerful master makers for millennia. From ancient architecture to mind blowing textiles, these lands continue to inspire her inhabitance to produce some of the finest crafts in the world