


Reiki is a method of energy healing originating in Japan; It is a practise which, despite not fitting within modern medicine’s view of the world, is rising in awareness within the collective consciousness. We are all present for a shift away from limited thinking to an acceptance that there are many tools available to us who’s effects can’t be measured by the perimeters of science. The healing works by channeling the universal energy that runs though all of us.  It is simple but profoundly effective as a way to treat emotional, physical and mental blockages and bring our physical and spiritual selves in to alignment.  


The effectiveness of this practise rests on belief. First belief from you that you are ready to heal and then belief from myself in the techniques I have learnt and the forces of the universe I have have been witness to throughout my journey. This belief is the fundamental vehicle through which healing begins.

Reiki has played a big part in my personal healing, the ability to heal myself and others is something I had no concept of growing up. The acceptance that we can empower ourselves and each other to transcend past pain is the powerful message of this work.

Harm and heal, a natural process in to divinity


I've always been a healer but it took my personal experiences of harm for me to realise this.  My harmful patterns were brought to my awareness, as they are with most people, through a set of hard events in my life.  I've always considered myself grounded and balanced, I have a natural instinct to serve and protect the people around me which has made me a cornerstone of any tribe I found myself in, ultimately these events forced me to look inwards and face head on the parts of myself I had been neglecting. Through meditation, breath-work and shamanic experiences I was able to revisit the moments in my life where I was harmed. I began to understand where these events had left scars on my physical and emotional being. I was able to bring my harm to in to the light, by honouring my pain I allowed it to heal and I started to find the beauty in the process. Describing the traumatic experiences which had triggered my healing began to sound poetic, my journey became its own art form.